You know me, Angela Chao. 2nd AC of 667 for over 16 years. 5 years ago I had a major concussion on set and had to relearn how to speak, walk, talk and process. It was hard as I still went to work and pretended to have a normal life while I suffered a-lot internally. I had a anxiety attack on set. My world halted and I had to stay at home for a long time. I found art as my way to communicate. I had a hard time writing and reading full sentences so i started doodling. Then with the support form my co workers (And my posts online) i gained confidence and actually started selling art work weekly. These doodles became paintings. Ive sold over 500 pieces of art which are mainly in North America and Asia. My largest collector owns over 60 piece. You know many of the owners who own my art work. They are our film making friends. Recently I had an 'art walk' in my backyard a month ago and sold over 13 pieces of art in 4 hours with 2 commissions coming up.
I choose to use art to talk about mental health. I choose to use art to express what I feel inside.
You know me, Angela Chao. 2nd AC of 667 for over 16 years. 5 years ago I had a major concussion on set and had to relearn how to speak, walk, talk and process. It was hard as I still went to work and pretended to have a normal life while I suffered a-lot internally. I had a anxiety attack on set. My world halted and I had to stay at home for a long time. I found art as my way to communicate. I had a hard time writing and reading full sentences so i started doodling. Then with the support form my co workers (And my posts online) i gained confidence and actually started selling art work weekly. These doodles became paintings. Ive sold over 500 pieces of art which are mainly in North America and Asia. My largest collector owns over 60 piece. You know many of the owners who own my art work. They are our film making friends. Recently I had an 'art walk' in my backyard a month ago and sold over 13 pieces of art in 4 hours with 2 commissions coming up.
I choose to use art to talk about mental health. I choose to use art to express what I feel inside.
My main style is abstract. I can take guidance if you have a certain color palette you would like. After the abstract art I would like to incorporate things in our film biz that ties in everything through line art. You will see as you scroll my art work and some suggestions. I hope you enjoy it. I have much more art if you wish to see it.
Ramp to the prep area
Though you are not seeking artwork here I only have limited photos. So this will help you visualize the space and art.
Here are some examples of abstract art on walls. The last image was a commission for the city of Mississauga where I combined elements . I interviewed the city councillor about the 'landmarks' and elements I could incorporate.
This translated to sim would be, I would take ideas everyone has at Sim or even thru social media about what 'film making' element can be on the wall. It could be in a way interactive where others can participate in a sense of sharing ideas. Example: a silhouette of a steadicam operate, key companies that Sim has equipment for like Arri, or Preston...
These are some doodles Ive done on set. I actually uploaded it to a film group and it went viral a couple thousand shares across all platforms. I made them into stickers on a print on demand site and I get orders all the time. So this is an example of 'line art' doodles which can be incorporated into the abstract art work.
Lunch Room
There was no mention of art in the lunch room but since I don't have a photo of the bathroom wall I wanted to showcase more abstract on a long wall.
Office area outside of Lunch room
Highlights of my accomplishments in 5 years
- I had an ad campaign with Mercedes AMG on all their social medias for a few months. I spoke about my concussion and the importance of art as therapy and how i rose to the challenge
- My short video was selected by Sunlife Financial and debuted in every Cineplex across Canada in their previews for every movie for 7 days. This was a total cost of 75k. I spoke about how arts has helped my mental health. This lead to many other opportunities from various corporations
- I have received multiple awards including the Emerging visual artist of the year, the community heritage award and Champion heritage award. Being recognized along side of Victor oh, Senator, Gil Moore from Triumph, Billy talent and many other distinguished community members.
- I teach for galleries and different arts council during the pandemic through zoom. This would be art class and in the background the conversations would be about mental health. I was later hired weekly by businesses for their workers including Peel Multicultural centre, Art gallery of Mississauga, Afghan women's group and children's groups. My class offered to the public was the highest attended with over 520 attendee they have ever seen.
- I have a purse collection which has my art on it. The company comes over and selects the art work.
- I work with Daniels condo corporation and furnish their newly built condos in Mississauga. They have purchased 4 pieces of art last year and there will be more to come when the square one condo is completed. I am asked by the interior designer who gives me the specs of the walls and the wall color, I created based on their requirements.
- I sit on an committee in my city and we review art/structure projects. This council consist of the arts council, the city councillor, myself-artist, ministry of transportation and the culture mississauga.
- Traveled to Belgium, Ohio, China, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand for free on the support of corporations. I posted on social media and made artsy videos
- I worked for Sharetea International (bubble tea company) in Taiwan for a few years and created art videos which was shared across their social media globally.
- Recipient of 3 grants, 3 years in a row. The most and only person who has ever gotten this from the Arts council. All my projects involve arts and mental health