Aug 25 - Sept 21, 2014Ad's of the event. Right is a postcard I created and printed. Left is the galleries print promo. Opening Reception - Sept 28, 2014Thanks for everyone who came out to join me in my premiere into the art world. I had a great time and won Peoples choice award 1st place "best of the show" I'm happy I had the chance to share a lot of my stories since the concussions and how I discovered Art. I haven't felt happy or myself since before the first concussions less then a year ago and last night I felt 100% Angela Chao. Thank you for all the support. Thank you Susy Danelon and Kristie Sills because this opportunity would not have arisen if you did not reach out. Artist Talk with Angela Chao - Sept 4, 2014Thank you for all those who came out last night. I sold my first piece at the gallery thanks to Gloria Tong for the love and support and two other pieces to Edwin my Cranio sacral therapist I will be speaking at 2-4pm for anyone who would like to join. I will talk about my concussion and the art that has come of it! Please share with any friends suffering from mental illness, depression or has had a concussion. I would love to speak to them afterwards. Thx again for all the support In bringing some awareness to concussions and depression. Meet the Artist - Sept 12, 2014November 10, 2019What a magical night at The Credits where I stood amongst individuals and business who have made a positive contribution the community. Thanks Heritage Mississauga (Mississauga Heritage Foundation) I am grateful to have received "the Community Heritage Award" for 2019 for using my art to connect and sharing my story the past 5 years. I've realized quite early after my concussion my purpose was to help those like me, who have going through a head injury and be there to listen. CreateConvergence consisting of Susan Ksiezopolski and Myself recieved "The Modern Heritage Award." Together we find innovative ways of infusing art and poetry within our community, Mississauga. Many thanks for Mississauga Arts Council for your support from the very beginning and being my 'cheerleader' squad that evening. Thanks to Visual Arts Mississauga and Annis Karpenko - You are the reason why my paths crossed with Susan Ksiezopolski |